Never cut what
you can untie.
Joseph Joubert

Disagreements or conflicts are usually energy-consuming, destructive and may cause wounds that are difficult to heal.
Conflicts impact each individual, family member, colleague; in short, on any relationship and our society as a whole. I therefore act as a mediator in civil, commercial, family and work related matters as I believe that mediation can address differences and conflicts in a constructive way while taking care of the relationship in the best possible way.
Mediation methods can be used both preventively and curatively, saving a lot of time, energy and money. The participants agree to sit around the table with a mediator to work towards sustainable solutions on the basis of each participant’s needs allowing a multidimensional approach to the problem. The aim is to find win-win agreements.
In addition to being a strictly confidential, voluntary and structured conflict management method, it is also a method organised by law and scientifically based.
My role as a mediator
I am neutral, impartial and independent which means that I have no interest in the outcome of the conflict. It also means that I have an open and unbiased attitude towards each person and do what is necessary to support each person to (re)connect to the other participants and restore the dialogue.
I support the participants in breaking the deadlock, accepting each other's differences, and understanding each other's needs and interests.
I do not suggest solutions nor give advice or take decisions. Instead, I structure the discussion, monitor the exchange of information and facilitate the participants to reach an interest-based agreement.
I work with two or more participants and I mediate in Dutch, French and English. I am an accredited mediator with the Federal Mediation Commission.

Why mediate?
When mediating, you work together with the other participants on finding solutions based on what is important to each of you, the aim being to reach sustainable agreements focused on the future.
Mediation also allows you to deal with the existing relationship in the best possible way. It allows you to continue having or to (re)build an open and constructive relationship with the other(s) or to end it in a respectful way.
Last but not least, mediation is time and cost efficient. Most problems can usually be solved in a few sessions spread over a few weeks. It is also a voluntary and confidential process whereby each participant is free to mediate or not and nothing that has been said during the mediation can be repeated afterwards.
Justice alone is not enough...
My bumpy journey taught me that justice alone is not enough but that another key element to a kinder and more empathetic world is to deal with our differences in a more constructive and creative way.
I wondered how we could get what matters to us in life, while preserving our relationships with family members, friends, colleagues, neighbours, clients,…?
I believe today that the better we (re)connect to what truly matters to ourselves and others, the better we will be able to deal with our differences and the easier we will find win-win solutions and leave differences behind us in a positive and just way.
It will, indeed, help the world take a step toward more kindness, empathy and, more importantly… peace.
Isn’t that what we all want?