Do you want to know how to find common ground or sustainable solutions or how to work on authentic relationships regardless of the context, e.g. within your family, at work or in your (business) relationships with others?
Do you want to acquire 'negotiation wisdom' or 'sustainable communication skills'? Or do you want to gain insights into the opportunities that different visions and conflicting interests offer?
Conflicting interests and differences of opinion are normal and occur everywhere. They are a ubiquitous phenomenon in society in general, but also in organisations, families, companies or any other relationship.

Negotiation wisdom and sustainable communication
Depending on our attitude, the way we deal with these contradictions and the way we communicate, they can be either:
costly, time-consuming and energy-consuming and lead us to an impasse,
provide an opportunity to better understand the other, to broaden and deepen our relationships, to avoid or resolve conflicts, in short, to invest our energy in more sustainable and constructive relationships with the other and this with increased well-being as a result.
Probably nothing has a greater impact on our professional and private relationships than our underlying attitude towards ourselves and others.
Through coaching or training we work interactively and practically whereby you:
gain insight into the different steps and 'do's and don'ts' in difficult discussions,
identify and understand each other's interests and how to create synergies resulting in win-win solutions
test the effect of different attitudes/modes of communication that you can adopt towards yourself, each other, your clients and others and how these can help you to achieve respectful and authentic relationships.
My training is tailored to your context and developed according to your specific wishes and needs. On your request, the training can include a lot of practice with cases related to your professional context. You will acquire immediately applicable methodologies and tools. I train/coach in Dutch, English or French.
When you bring consciousness to anything, things begin to shift
(Eve Ensler)